A downloadable game for Windows

The game

Step into the divine arena of Olympus in Rolling with the Gods, where the Greek pantheon’s pastime is a cosmic game of boules with the very fabric of the universe.

In an exciting celestial contest, you'll compete as Zeus or Hades, hurling boule-ders towards a blazing sun. Cheered on by god(desses) and demi-god(desses), the aim is to launch your rocks into orbit and make them habitable... or not, in Hades' case.  

The playing field? A majestic gap in the clouds, high above the mortal realm.

Each game you play will literally shape the cosmos, as your "precise"* throws and "strategic" plays form intricate solar systems across the skies.

With a touch of divine rivalry, Rolling with the Gods blends myth, strategy, and cosmic creation. Are you up to the scale of the challenge?

*The physics may or may not be 100% accurate...

**Sorry for the hideous amount of bugs but hopefully you get the idea of what we were going for...


  • Swing your arm to set the power and angle of your throw
  • Release the boule-der when you're ready
  • Score points by landing in the correct zone for your character
  • Lose points for landing in your opponent's zone

Zeus wants to create habitable planets, so he's aiming for the sweet spot in the 'Goldilocks zone'.

Hades wants to see his worlds burn, so he's shooting a little closer to the sun.

Got it? Let's roll.




Swing armA,D or LEFT,RIGHT Analog or D-Pad LEFT,RIGHT
Release boule-derSPACEX

Credits, thanks



Code and (damn) physics     Craig Tubb
Art, snacks and vibes      Amy Tubb
MIN (missing in Newcastle), remote cheerleader      Dale Tubb
Glow effect Foxy of Jungle
MusicGustav Holst - The Planets - Jupiter, the Bringer of Jollity (Bandcamp)
Sound effects pixabay.com


rolling-with-the-gods.zip 41 MB

Install instructions

Works best with the itch.io app!

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